While operating FT8 I get an occasional Problem with wsjt-x quitting 
transmitting. It is still receiving and decoding OK, but will not  turn the 
6700 on and no audio drive is being sent to wsjt-x over the DAX link. When I 
shut wsjt-x down using the red "X" the wsjt-x program is moved from the task 
manager APPs location to the background tasks location in the Task Manager, and 
I can not restart it. If I then select "end task" in the Task Manger I can 
restart wsjt-x and every thing is back to normal. When the problem happens if I 
go directly to the task manager and "end task" wsjt-x  in the APPS section the 
program shuts down and restarts normally as expected.
1. This problem usually (but not every time) takes several hours to occur.2. 
Normal operation of wsjt-x uses about 0 to 2 percent of CPU use (shown in task 
manager). Except when    wsjt-x first starts to transmit (increases to 8 to 13 
percent then goes down).3. CPU usage when the problem is active increases to 15 
to 20 percent.4. After shutdown with the red "X" CPU usage remains at 15 to 20 
percent. in the background tasks.Since I know that there is a problem it is 
more of a nuisance than any thing else but some thing is wrong.I don't know 
whether its wsjt-x, WIN 10, the 6700 or my computer (although my Laptop does 
the same thing).Does anyone else see this problem?Al, N4AB
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