Almost all US Counties, within the state, have a Number.
Could, for the purposes of QSO Parties the designation be Hardin - HARN -
40 as would be the case of mine ? Would that help any, just using an
already assigned number VS the County Name ? Ron WV4P

On Thu, 26 Sep 2019 at 13:48, Bill Somerville <> wrote:

> On 26/09/2019 11:59, John Zantek wrote:
> >
> > ØThe bottom line is that there are still a handful of selectors
> > available in the FT4/FT8/MSK144 message payload bits that could be
> > used for new message schemes but nowhere near the number that would be
> > needed to support a series of county based QSO parties or similar.
> >
> > But Bill, isn’t the FD message structure just that, with a lookup
> > table that doesn’t exceed the payload ceiling?
> >
> > What’s the difference between the existing QRegularExpression
> > field_day_exchange_re with a table of ARRL/RAC Sections and a proposed
> > QRegularExpression WA_QSO_party_exchange_re of WA counties  as I had
> > suggested at the start of this thread?
> >
> > 73 John W7CD
> >
> John,
> the source code you are referring to is the validation for GUI input
> when entering one's state or province, it has no bearing on what is
> packed into transmitted messages other than the selected value is used.
> If you were to have a different set of information to pack into messages
> then you must also pack into the message the selector to tell the
> receiving decoder to interpret the message bits in the way that you
> require. Even if your proposed table of counties only take the same
> number of bits to store as the RTTY Roundup values do; you still need
> another bit somewhere else in the payload to select that table. Extend
> that to each and every QSO Party set of counties and you will need many
> more bits to select the right table. That many bits are not available in
> the FT4/FT8/MSK144 payload, it might be possible for one or maybe two
> QSO Party formats but who decides which QSO Parties get support and
> which ones are excluded?
> 73
> Bill
> G4WJS.
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