I'm running WSJT-X v2.1.2  0068f9 on a PC with Win 7 (Pro).

Back in late January I posted a message, #5852, on ws...@groups.io about a 
discrepancy I'd observed between the times of FT8 decodes displayed in the Band 
window and the times recorded in the ALL.TXT file.  The full path to my message 


Sadly I never received a response to my message so I haven't yet received any 
of why the displayed and recorded times of decodes might be different.

I've recently had reason to spend a bit of time doing some analysis of some of 
the decodes 
recorded in my ALL.TXT file and have come across another oddity.  My latest 
finding is that 
my ALL.TXT file shows a list of 'Rx' decodes and a single 'Tx' entry for my 
callsign all having 
the same recorded time; surely this shouldn't happen because I can't both 
receive and 
transmit within a single 15-second period?

Here's an extract from my ALL.TXT file showing what I've described above:

200220_001130     5.357 Rx FT8     -1  0.1 1863 F6EAZ SP2EWQ RR73
200220_001130     5.357 Rx FT8    -15  0.1 2101 CQ KS4OT EM83
200220_001130     5.357 Rx FT8     -7  0.1 2299 CQ A45XR LL93
200220_001145     5.357 Tx FT8      0  0.0  735 WB5XX G0HDB R-19                
200220_001200     5.357 Rx FT8    -19  0.2  612 E77D EA5IVR IM97
200220_001200     5.357 Rx FT8    -11 -0.1  664 CQ DX K4EA EM74
200220_001200     5.357 Rx FT8    -16  0.1  855 AE4WG FM1HN RR73
200220_001200     5.357 Rx FT8    -12  0.3 1033 OO7B W4JSI R-22
200220_001200     5.357 Rx FT8     -4  0.4 1501 CO8LY IZ5MOQ JN54
200220_001200     5.357 Rx FT8      0  0.1 1863 F6EAZ SP2EWQ RR73
200220_001215     5.357 Rx FT8    -18  0.1 2100 CQ KS4OT EM83
200220_001215     5.357 Rx FT8     -9  0.2 2299 CQ A45XR LL93
200220_001215     5.357 Tx FT8      0  0.0  735 WB5XX G0HDB R-16                
200220_001230     5.357 Rx FT8    -11 -0.1  664 EA5CMW K4EA -14
200220_001230     5.357 Rx FT8    -15  0.1  854 OZ4VV FM1HN R-07
200220_001230     5.357 Rx FT8    -14  0.3 1034 OO7B W4JSI 73
200220_001230     5.357 Rx FT8     -4  0.4 1501 CO8LY IZ5MOQ JN54
200220_001245     5.357 Rx FT8     -1  0.1 1863 F6EAZ SP2EWQ RR73

I've added the colouring to highlight my transmissions.

As can be seen, my two transmissions to WB5XX are separated by 30 seconds as 
would be 
expected, but the two 'Rx' entries for KS4OT's and A45XR's CQs immediately 
preceding my  
second transmission at 200220_001215 are shown as having the same time as my 
transmission whereas I suspect they should have been recorded with the time of 
preceding 15-second period, ie 200220_0011200, which would have been the 
expected 30 
seconds after their previous CQ transmissions.

Also, the final line in the above extract of ALL.TXT, ie. the RR73 message sent 
SP2EWQ to F6EAZ, should presumably have had a recorded time of 200220_001230 
not the time of 200220_001245 that has been written into the ALL.TXT file.

There are other examples of this inconsistency between the recorded times for 
Rx decodes 
and outgoing transmissions further down in my ALL.TXT file for earlier today 
2020-Feb-20); there may be many other similar discrepancies but I haven't 
delved any further 
into my ALL.TXT file.

It seems to me that for some reason the times for some Rx decodes within a 
period are being written incorrectly into the ALL.TXT file and are being 
recorded as having 
the time of the following 15-second period, despite the times shown in the Band 
window potentially being correct (as I'd reported in January).

I will be grateful if the development team could take a look at this issue, 
which is making any 
'forensic' analysis I or others might wish or need to do of the FT8 decodes and 
recorded in the ALL.TXT file all but impossible to do with any sort of accuracy 
or rigour.  The 
presence of the discrepancies and inaccuracies in the times recorded in the 
ALL.TXT file is a 
considerable inconvenience and surely shouldn't be happening...!

73, Martin G0HDB

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