Remember my bug complaint about the 7300 doing this?  Well I looking at 
Settings, General screen anthe monitor off at start up is unchecked.  So I 
thinkthis is a bug.
BTW this turn off behavior is only present is v2.2.0release and not in v2.1.2
73’s Dave - Wb9own

Sent from a wireless can.

On Monday, June 8, 2020, 4:33 PM, Black Michael via wsjt-devel 
<wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:

Do you have "Monitor returns to last used frequency" turned on?
That will cause the rig to wake up as it has to get the frequency.
Mike W9MDB


    On Monday, June 8, 2020, 03:30:13 PM CDT, Al Pawlowski <k6...@almont.com> 
 Personally, I do not need/want WSJTx to turn my radio on, or off, when 
starting or closing. But, it is no big problem for me either way and might be 
useful for some. I just thought it odd that WSJTx tries to turn the radio on 
when when it closes and had not noticed it doing either previously.

Al Pawlowski, K6AVP
Los Osos, CA USA

Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2020 08:49:50 -0700From: Al Pawlowski <k6...@almont.com>
To: wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] v2.1.2 Radio On/Off CAT Problem?

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