On Tue, 2 May 2023 10:57:17 +1000
Adrian via wsjt-devel <wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:

You STILL do not understand.

> All the online definitions I find for 'split' operation are ;
> Split means transmitting on one frequency and listening on another.
> referring to your own station, without reference to anyone else.

You are reading something in that is not there. The implication is that you are 
listening on a frequency for a station that you intend to work! Why else your 
you be running split? That does not change what I wrote.
> FT8 is not a 'listening' mode. It is visual receiving 3 - 4 Khz wide 
> including wherever you are TX. decoding via software all of that traffic 
> decoded.

The software is "listening". Much the same way as you are listening to a CQ 
pile-up and decoding multiple signals with the software between your ears. The 
radio cares not whether you are listening or the software is listening. It does 
not even care what the modulation encoding is of the received signal. All it 
cares is the frequency.

> The RX marker is just a filter to display that rx mark decode slice on 
> the right pane for easier reading and message store.

Not relevant. The station you are decoding that you intend to call is your QSO 
partner. His frequency is important.

> So wherever you TX you will always hear/see response at that same point, 
> on the rx timeslot.

No, you will not. If you or whoever calls you selects Hold TX Freq and puts TX 
in a clear spot that is not the QSO partner's transmit offset (which is best 
practice) that is RF split.  QED. Ask Joe Taylor. 

> When the software rig/fake enabled attempts to keeps the audio in best 
> audio passband zone,
> it changes the radio TX unmodulated (RF CP) frequency then adds the 
> audio to maintain TX mark position.

This is what I defined as the Dial frequency. You are repeating what I wrote 

> My whole discussion here has been about the generation of the radio 
> signal, and the radio frequency shift involved,
> before any audio is in the picture.

The resultant radio frequency is created by the MFSK audio signal generated by 
WSJTX and heterodyned into the RF domain with a balanced mixer (modulator). 
That is the signal that is split or not depending on whether or not TX hold is 
used. The RF domain is a mirror of the audio waterfall at the suppressed 
carrier dial (base) frequency. Not at all unlike using a transverter.
> I quite often use the vfo manually to change RF frequency to bring in 
> offscale spots, or align F/H stations.

Dial frequency again. Resultant RF frequency is the absolute frequency of any 
given signal, not the dial frequency of your radio. Again, this is true of any 
mode. If you are using SSB your dial may say 14.250 but your resultant RF 
frequency is a cluster if individual tones between roughly 14.250300 and 

> The wsjtx cat commands do the same thing to the vfo in split. Rig split 
> does TX on Sub vfo and does require the radio to be have split activated.
> So to be told the radio is not changing RF frequency during these 
> changes, CAT or Manual driven, defies logic.

Try to follow this. Say that your dial frequency id 14.074000. You have TX Hold 
enabled as is recommended and your TX is parked in a clear spot at 700 Hz. You 
call a station whom you are receiving at 1 KHz with your TX at 700 Hz and 
without rig split enabled. His RF signal is at 14.075000 (you have no idea what 
his dial frequency is). Your RF signal is transmitted at 14.074700. This is 
split. You enable your rig split. WSJTX moves your TX audio MFSK signal up to 
1700 Hz for harmonic suppression, and also uses the rig's split feature to move 
your dial frequency done to 14.073000. Your transmitted RF frequency is still 
14.074700. IT HAS NOT CHANGED! And it is still split.

It is that simple.

If you haven't got it now perhaps you should download and study the Hinson FT8 



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