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于 August 31, 2018 3:53:36 PM UTC, Hagb Green <hagb_gr...@qq.com> 写到: >我打算将北京GNU/Linux用户组(BLUG)的fsfs3中文译文 >https://github.com/beijinglug/fsfs-zh/ 反馈到 gnu.org > >以下以 “章节 译名 --- 原名 --- >在gnu.org的位置” >的格式列出该书在gnu.org还未有中文译文的文章。 > >1.6 政府推动自由软件的措施 --- Measures Governments Can Use to Promote Free >Software --- philosophy/government-free-software.html >1.9 自由硬件和自由硬件设计 --- Free Hardware and Free Hardware Designs --- >philosophy/free-hardware-designs.html >1.10 应用自由软件判断准则 Applying the Free Software Criteria --- >philosophy/applying-free-sw-criteria.html >2.3 自由与非自由软件的分类 --- Categories of Free and Nonfree Software --- >philosophy/categories.html >2.4 为何称之为诈骗(Swindle)? --- Why Call It The Swindle? --- >philosophy/why-call-it-the-swindle.html >2.7 应避免使用(或慎用)的词语,由于它们是不公正的或者引起混淆的 --- Words to Avoid (or Use with >Care) Because They Are Loaded or Confusing --- >philosophy/words-to-avoid.html >3.4 计算机网络时代的版权与社区之争 --- Copyright versus Community in the Age of >Computer Networks --- philosophy/copyright-versus-community.html >4.1 软件专利和文学专利 --- Software Patents and Literary Patents --- >philosophy/software-literary-patents.html >4.2 软件专利的威胁 --- The Danger of Software Patents --- >philosophy/danger-of-software-patents.html >4.3 保护软件领域免受专利困扰 --- Giving the Software Field Protection from Patents >--- philosophy/limit-patent-effect.html >5.1 许可证简介 --- Introduction to the Licenses --- (我没找到在哪儿) >5.2 如何为你的作品选择一份许可证 --- How to choose a license for your own work --- >licenses/license-recommendations.html >5.3 X Window 系统的陷阱 --- The X Window System Trap --- philosophy/x.html >5.4 程序不得限制它们的自由运行 --- Why programs must not limit the freedom to run >them --- philosophy/programs-must-not-limit-freedom-to-run.html >5.6 为什么使用 Copyleft? --- Why Copyleft? --- philosophy/why-copyleft.html >5.9 为何升级到 GPLv3 --- Why Upgrade to GPLv3 --- >licenses/rms-why-gplv3.html >5.12 关于出售例外对 GNU GPL 的影响 --- On Selling Exceptions to the GNU GPL --- >philosophy/selling-exceptions.html >6.3 如果您在大学工作,请发布自由软件 --- Releasing Free Software If You Work at a >University --- philosophy/university.html >6.4 GNU/Linux 上带有数字限制管理(DRM)的私有游戏:是好是坏? --- Nonfree DRM'd Games on >GNU/Linux: Good or Bad? --- philosophy/nonfree-games.html >6.5 电子书的威胁 --- The Danger of E-Books --- >philosophy/the-danger-of-ebooks.html >6.6 电子书必须增进我们的自由而非限制我们的自由 --- E-books must increase our freedom, not >decrease it --- philosophy/ebooks-must-increase-freedom.html >7.2 克服社会惯性 --- Overcoming Social Inertia --- >philosophy/social-inertia.html >7.3 自由还是权力? --- Freedom or Power? --- philosophy/freedom-or-power.html >7.4 缺陷并不等同于压迫 --- Imperfection is not the same as oppression >--- philosophy/imperfection-isnt-oppression.html > > > >_______________________________________________ >www-zh-cn-translators mailing list >www-zh-cn-translators@gnu.org >https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/www-zh-cn-translators -- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity. _______________________________________________ www-zh-cn-translators mailing list www-zh-cn-translators@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/www-zh-cn-translators