
I found the problem. I was using wxGlade to create my Dialogs. It puts 2 'use Wx' lines. Like below.

use Wx 0.15 qw[:allclasses];
use strict;
package Wx::SelectRequestedTranslation;

use Wx qw[:everything];
use base qw(Wx::Dialog);

Removing the first line solved the problem.

On 2.3.2010 18:54, Jiří Pavlovský wrote:


I have the same configuration (Windows 7) and the test script compiles
and runs fine.

Hm, maybe it is not a Wx problem?


Dne 2.3.2010 18:14, Mark Dootson napsal(a):

The PDK "error: Can't locate Wx\Loader\Custom.pm" is fine and
expected. You can ignore it.

wxpdk is not needed anymore (since PerlApp 7.1)

I have tested

ActivePerl 5.10 build 1007
Wx 0.9701
Wx::Perl::Packager 0.20
PerlApp 7.3

And all seems to work OK ?

What is your version of ActivePerl?
There is a test script at


could you try packaging that and check if it works?



On 02/03/2010 14:35, Jiří Pavlovský wrote:

till today I was using PerlApp to compile my wxPerl application without
a problem.

I had to reinstall perl (ActiveState latest build) and cannot get it
going since then.
I installed all the latest modules from www.wxperl.co.uk.

First I noticed that Wx::Perl::Packager no longer contains wxpdk - is it
not needed anymore?

During "compile " I can see the following error (but it creates the
error: Can't locate Wx\Loader\Custom.pm
refby: C:\Perl\site\lib\Wx\Mini.pm line 82

When I try to run the excutable it terminates with the following error:

Use of uninitialized value within %INC in pattern match (m//) at
/<Y:\path\to\prog.exe>XSLoader.pm line 45.
Use of uninitialized value within %INC in pattern match (m//) at
/<Y:\path\to\prog.exe>DynaLoader.pm line 163.

I have a PerlApp 7.3.0.

Any advice appreciated.

Thank you,

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