Hi James & all,

In relation to ³Learning wxPerl², I intended this book to be an introductory
text that more or less parallels the ³Learning Perl/Tk² book by Nancy Walsh.
So, some of the advanced topics that you¹ve mentioned in your list, I would
consider outside the scope, unless the group really insists on them.

        Advanced Topics
>             Custom Controls
>             Custom Dialogs
>             SubClassing Base Widgets
>             Wrapping External Libraries
>             Complex Application Architecture
>             Database Access
>             Networking
>             Other



On 8/01/16 6:25 AM, "James Lynes" <jmlyne...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The List gets longer...
> wxPerl Issues - January 7,2016
> ----------------------------------------------
> (Thinking out loud in outline form)
> What will it take to keep the wxPerl infrastructure viable and who is taking
> the lead?
> wxPerl Corporate Interest
>     What is the corporate interest in wxPerl?
>     How do corporations train for wxPerl internally?
>     How do corporations support wxPerl internally?
> wxPerl Language Support
>     Bug Fixes(Mark & ?)
>     wxWidgets Tracking(Mark & ?)
>     Perl 5 Tracking
>     Perl 6 Adaption(Any current GUI of choice?)
>     wxDemo(Mark & ?)
>     Extensions Beyond wxWidgets(Steve's Comments(video/audio enhancements))
>     Documentation of the Software & Distribution(Software Maintenance Manual)
> wxPerl Website Support
>     Ownership(?)
>     Financial(?)
>     Administration(?)
>     Content(?)
> wxPerl Installation/Upgrading
>     From CPAN
>     From Source By Platform - Mac/Windows/Linux
>     From ActiveState -Mac/Windows/Linux
> wxPerl Deployment(Stand Alone)
>     Packaging By Platform - Mac/Windows/Linux
> wxPerl Documentation - The "Learning wxPerl" Book
>     Book Format(?)
>         Ebook
>         Wiki
>         Printable(pdf)
>         Tool(What's the currrent hot tool?)
>         Other
>     Book Content(?)
>         Introduction
>         Simple Application Structure
>         Windows/Frames
>         Controls/Widgets
>         Events
>         Dialogs
>         Sizers
>         Drawing/Printing
>         Images
>         Other
>         Advanced Topics
>             Custom Controls
>             Custom Dialogs
>             SubClassing Base Widgets
>             Wrapping External Libraries
>             Complex Application Architecture
>             Database Access
>             Networking
>             Other
>         Appendices
>             Language Constants/Defines
>             Simple Application Template
>             Complex Application Template
>             Examples
>                 User Contributed Controls/Dialogs
>                 Dummy C/C++ Library and it's wxPerl Wrapper
>                 Other
> wxPerl Resources
>     wxDemo
>     Wiki - wiki.wxperl.nl <http://wiki.wxperl.nl>
>     Email List - wxperl-users@perl.org
>     Email Archive -www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.wxperl
> <http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.wxperl>
>     wxperl.it <http://wxperl.it>
>     sourceforge.net/projects/wxperl <http://sourceforge.net/projects/wxperl>
>     The wxBook - "Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets" Smart, Hock,
> & Csomor
>     wxWidgets HTML Documentation
>     Other
> Other
> On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 6:31 PM, James Lynes <jmlyne...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ron:
>> Thanks for the input. I'll add ActiveState. I expected dialects to be added,
>> like Strawberry and probably Linux flavors.
>> Yes, it's a long list and will get longer, but I think it's a good start for
>> the tasks that have to be addressed to keep/advance wxPerl. I hope folks that
>> have installed/packaged on the various platforms will contribute a
>> page/script on how they do it.
>> I like to write/edit, so I expect to provide input to The wxPerlBook also.
>> Keep the comments coming. I found in my working life that you have to put
>> something down in writing before you can get any real feedback.
>> James
>> On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 5:45 PM, Ron Grunwald <ron...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
>>> Hi James & all,
>>> Your list below is pretty long and would require some very dedicated people
>>> to maintain. However, having said that I think for the section ³wxPerl
>>> Installation² we should include ActiveState:
>>>     wxPerl Installation
>>>>     From CPAN
>>>>     From Source By Platform - Mac/Windows/Linux
>>>>     From ActiveState ­ Mac/Windows/Linux
>>> Also, thank you for including the section:
>>>     wxPerl Documentation - The "Learning wxPerl" Book
>>> I am definitely interested in contributing to the above section.
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Ron.
>>> On 7/01/16 5:24 AM, "James Lynes" <jmlyne...@gmail.com
>>> <http://jmlyne...@gmail.com> > wrote:
>>>> wxPerl has a lot of moving parts. I started thinking out loud about how to
>>>> keep these parts moving. Feel free to provide additions.
>>>> James
>>>> wxPerl Issues - January 6,2016
>>>> --------------------________----------
>>>> (Thinking out loud in outline form)
>>>> What does it take to keep the wxPerl infrastructure viable and who is
>>>> taking the lead?
>>>> wxPerl Language Support
>>>>     Bug Fixes(Mark & ?)
>>>>     wxWidgets Tracking(Mark & ?)
>>>>     Perl 5 Tracking
>>>>     Perl 6 Adaption(?)
>>>>     wxDemo(Mark & ?)
>>>>     Extensions Beyond wxWidgets(Steve's Comments)
>>>>     Documentation of the package/Software Maintenance Manual
>>>> wxPerl Website Support
>>>>     Ownership(?)
>>>>     Financial(?)
>>>>     Administration(?)
>>>> wxPerl Installation
>>>>     From CPAN
>>>>     From Source By Platform - Mac/Windows/Linux
>>>> wxPerl Deployment(Stand Alone)
>>>>     Packaging By Platform - Mac/Windows/Linux
>>>> wxPerl Documentation - The "Learning wxPerl" Book
>>>>     Introduction
>>>>     Simple Application Structure
>>>>     Windows/Frames
>>>>     Controls/Widgets
>>>>     Events
>>>>     Dialogs
>>>>     Sizers
>>>>     Drawing/Printing
>>>>     Images
>>>>     Other
>>>>     Advanced Topics
>>>>         Custom Controls
>>>>         Custom Dialogs
>>>>         SubClassing Base Widgets
>>>>         Wrapping External Libraries
>>>>         Complex Application Architecture
>>>>         Database Access
>>>>     Appendices
>>>>         Language Constants/Defines
>>>>         Simple Application Template
>>>>         Dummy C/C++ _Library and it's wxPerl Wrapper
>>>>         Examples
>>>>         User Contributed Controls/Dialogs
>>>> wxPerl Resources
>>>>     wxDemo
>>>>     Wiki - wiki.wxperl.nl <http://wiki.wxperl.nl>  <http://wiki.wxperl.nl>
>>>>     Email List - wxperl-users@perl.org <http://wxperl-users@perl.org>
>>>>     Email Archive -www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.wxperl
>>>> <http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.wxperl>
>>>> <http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.wxperl>
>>>>     wxperl.it <http://wxperl.it>  <http://wxperl.it>
>>>>     sourceforge.net/projects/wxperl
>>>> <http://sourceforge.net/projects/wxperl>
>>>> <http://sourceforge.net/projects/wxperl>
>>>>     The wxBook - "Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets" Smart,
>>>> Hock, & Csomor
>>>>     wxWidgets HTML Documentation
>>>> Other

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