Hi Ron:

A couple of gotchas...

When using the hash syntax and making a typo, the hash will be perfectly
happy to create the mis-named entry.

   Yesterday I wanted to say $self->{button}, but typed $self->{buttion}. I
overlooked this typo for quite awhile. The result was a sizer not working

A concept to understand... An app is a little like an Arduino program with
a setup section and a looping section where creating widgets is the setup
and runs once and the event handlers are the looping section. Sorry, not
explained very well, but shows up in drawing situations.


On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 9:30 AM, Ron Grunwald <ron...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:

> Hello Meir & everyone,
> First of all, thank you for your suggestions, Meir.
> On point 1, yes, that’s a much better title. I’ll change it in the design
> document.
> On point 2, I partially agree with you. I think the concept of a first
> complete wxPerl program has merit in the introductory part because it gives
> the reader an immediate overview of what wxPerl code looks like. I also
> really like Steve’s comments about explaining the fundamental components
> like OnInit, Show and MainLoop.
> Still on point 2, you mentioned how to combine basic widgets to form a
> complete application. I think that’s a good idea and I’ll take that
> onboard. However, it wouldn’t be suitable to write about it in the
> introductory part in my view.
> On point 3, are there any specific examples that you’re thinking of?
> Many thanks.
> Cheers,
> Ron.
> On 19/01/16 10:51 PM, "Meir Guttman" <mguttm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks!
> A few remarks:
>    1. Shouldn't the name be “Part I - Introduction to GUI programming
>    with wxPerl”?
>    2. The equivalent of "Hello World", other than making sure the
>    installation is OK, does very little to knowing how to write a real-world
>    GUI application. Therefore, examples must be quite elaborate because in my
>    very little experience with wxPerl, the problem was not with the buttons,
>    the check boxes and the radio selection. It was how to combine them.
>    3. I would like to see a "Gotchas" as the last chapter, of *every *part,
>    regarding the topics in it. I am sure that many people are falling to the
>    same holes, and without help, it will take them too long to crawl out of
>    them...
> That's my two bits...
> Meir
>   -- Meir
> On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 4:17 PM, Ron Grunwald <ron...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> Good evening everyone,
> As I’m adding to the design document, I find myself thinking more and more
> about Part I – Introduction to wxPerl and GUI programming. I expect this
> part of the book to be quite long. I think it may also become the most
> important part of the book as it’s here where potential newcomers will
> decide whether its worth their time and effort to further pursue learning
> about wxPerl.
> To that effect I would like to turn to the members of this list. Imagine
> that you have no idea what wxPerl is all about, but you have heard others
> talk about it. What would you like to see in an introduction section that
> would hold your interest and want you to keep reading more?
> Steve has already mentioned installation of wxPerl. This will certainly be
> included in Part I and deserves a thorough and concise writing effort. I
> would also like to see a chapter entitled “A simple wxPerl program”. The
> wxPython book has an exquisite example on page 35 in the PDF document. I’ve
> attached the page for your reference.
> Finally, in relation to my use of the term “geometry management”, yes it
> refers to “layout”. I’m just used to the former term from my programming
> days with X/Motif and Perl/Tk.
> I really would be very interested to hear about your views on what to
> include in “Part I - Introduction to wxPerl and GUI programming”.
> Cheers,
> Ron.
> On 18/01/16 11:19 PM, "Steve Cookson - gmail" <steveco.1...@gmail.com <
> http://steveco.1...@gmail.com> > wrote:
>   Hi Ron,
>  Thanks for this.
> On 17/01/16 12:53, Ron Grunwald wrote:
>    1. Introduction to GUI programming and wxPerl
>    2. The wxPerl widgets (currently worked on in the design doc.)
>    3. Geometry management in wxPerl (to be worked on next in the design
>    doc.)
>    4. Event handling in wxPerl
>    5. Advanced Topics
>    6.
> Is Geometry Management the same as layout?  If so I had to do a double
> take to work out what it meant.
>  Maybe we should also have something about platforms and installation,
> which is always a joy!  It could be an appendix if you wanted, so that the
> flow of the chapters was not disrupted.
>  Regards
>  Steve.

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