--- On Tue, 6/16/09, Tom Russo <ru...@bogodyn.org> wrote:

> From: Tom Russo <ru...@bogodyn.org>
> Someone here just mentioned socat in this thread. 
> I've never used it, but
> it appears that it could possibly be exactly the tool for
> the job:
>  socat INTERFACE:ax25p1 INTERFACE:ax25p2
> Has anyone used socat to connect interfaces directly this
> way?  If it works
> then perhaps the little ugly ascii graphic above can be
> implemented trivially
> with existing tools (socat, kissnetd, remserial, and ax.25
> kernel networking).

I've used socat in a one-to-one connection for a TNC all the time.  The TNC is 
sitting on one machine and Xastir was on another.  The first socat instance on 
the TNC system opened the TNC and presented a network port.  The second 
instance on the Xastir machine opened that port and presented the local system 
with a virtual serial port.  As far as Xastir was concerned it was a serial 
TNC.  In that case you might be able to just use socat to bridge the machines 
and then use something else (ax25, kissnetd) to distribute among the 
applications on the remote system.

Socat will not, however, accept multiple connections to the port.  So if you 
wanted to distribute to multiple machines you'd have to somehow fan-out the 
serial port, attach a socat session to each fanned-out port and then feed the 
remote machines that way.


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