On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 21:58, Jarett DeAngelis
<jdeange...@alumni.nd.edu> wrote:
> This driver did the trick of connecting to the TNC!  It caused a new device
> to show up in /dev and I was able to use that.

Are you using the /dev/tty.XXXX device, or /dev/cu.XXXX? You want the
/dev/cu.XXXX device.

> Problems I have now:
> GPS data is not passing through.
> OpenStreetMaps don't seem to be an option, though I thought I compiled in
> support.

To load the OpenStreetMaps, click on Map > Map Chooser. Scroll to
"Online/OSM_tiled_mapnik.geo". Click it to select, click OK. They can
be slow to download; watch the status bar to see what's going on.

> The default maps don't seem to download correctly.

Not sure what you mean by this. The default map is a world country
lines. Very basic. They don't download anything.

> Thoughts?

I work at an electronics company. Our main product is programmed via
serial port. I'm the resident Mac guru, so the Mac support calls
usually get forwarded to me. I have observed customers having all
kinds of trouble with most of the USB-serial converter cables
available. The Prolific cables seem to disappear from /dev, or become
completely unresponsive. The one type of cable I've observed to be
rock-solid is those based on the FDTI chipset. That is what I use
personally, and I've had no trouble finding the serial device and
using it with Xastir and a D710.

By the way, you can have Xastir put the D710 in PACKET12 mode
automatically on startup. Put this command in your tnc-startup file to
put A band in packet mode:

TN 2,0

Or B-band:

TN 2,1

> 73 DE KC2KOA.

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