On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 5:52 PM, Lee Bengston <lee.bengs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> MAC OSX users have also reported
> problems with the Prolific based devices.

yep.  The prolific driver actually caused a kernel dump on my mac,
once upon a time.  haven't used 'em since, if I could help it.

The prolific devices have no unique serial number, so they are not
uniquely identifiable to the OS.  At best the OS must rely on where
the device is plugged in to the USB tree to identify it; at worst,
it's enumeration order.  I despise this horribly broken "feature" of
many USB devices and drivers, as it not only assumes you will never
use more than one device, it assumes that you will plug that device
into the same place every time.  Those are two extremely stupid
assumptions by the hardware and software designers.  As best I can
tell, FTDI is the only cross-platform RS232/USB adapter that is _not_
guilty of these errors.

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