On Mon, 20 May 2013, Curt, WE7U wrote:

I think I have to agree with you.

I didn't see a lot of alerts in my Xastir instance here (View->WX Alerts), so I kicked the weather alert server a bit ago and started seeing more alerts in that window. Still seeing ZERO areas lit up though.

The most likely problem would be the newer NWS Shapefiles. I don't recall any changes to the Xastir code lately WRT weather alerts.

I'll do some more checking.

Just made sure my get-NWSdata script and Xastir code here were up-to-date, ran 
testdbfawk against each of the NWS .dbf files, all looked good to me.

I'm waiting now to see if some good alerts come in and light up the map, under 
the assumption that the weather server was hung up and restarting it may get 
things flowing again.

If that doesn't work I'll do some more checking.

Found something:  Connecting to "firenet.aprs2.net" right now causes problems, 
which is a bit annoying 'cuz that's the round-robin address which spreads the load across 
all three firenet servers.  Every time I connected Xastir to that one I got:

    # logresp WE7U-3 verified, server T2CAEAST

Which is interesting, 'cuz I don't know who "T2CAEAST" is...   It's not one of 
the three Firenet servers.  I'll talk to the T2 guys and get that fixed.  Somehow we got 
a bad server in the rotation.

This one works:


And this is the filter string I'm using:

    m/500 t/n e/WE7U-WX p/QUAKE o/ISS*/STEAM/UP844

I'm starting to see areas light up finally!

Curt, WE7U.        http://wetnet.net/~we7u
The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of 
knowledge.  -Stephen Hawking
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