Take heart Liz, I've never seen it either. I put it down to two possibilities; not enough stations to make it happen or, the circle is so large it is well beyond the boundaries of the maps I normally use.

Ray vk2tv

On 17/12/13 10:29, Liz wrote:
On Sun, 15 Dec 2013 17:09:08 -0700
Tom Russo <ru...@bogodyn.org> wrote:

If you've got an RF connection, and wait at least a half hour, you
should see something under "View->Aloha Statistics."

Until the first half-hour is over, View-ALOHA Statistics will say it
hasn't been computed yet.
After 45 minutes in my car
3 other stations - my digipeater, my weather station and one other.
So it remains "not computed"

That's why I've never seen it "work"

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