On Wed, 18 Dec 2013 09:39:49 -0800
Curt Mills <curt.w...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Here in the Seattle area, if I bring up an RF connection on Xastir I
> see it after 1/2 hour, then it gets recomputed every 1/2 hour after
> that.  The circle changes diameter slightly every 1/2 hour.
> In an area with few stations, you may never see it.  If you don't have
> a direct RF port hooked to Xastir, you'll never see it.

Propagation on 2m has been really good the last 2 mornings, and here I
present the results.

This is the RaspberryPi put into service as IGate, with stations
directly heard soon after dawn 300km away. I only have about 10m height
above average terrain, so that's pretty impressive reception.

The Pi is not very stable on this job, it locks up when I leave my
desk. I don't know whether Xastir or Aprx is to blame for this or if
the Pi is overheating.

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