I have taken Xastir to demo at a Hamfest each year on our Linux Group stand
for about 10 years now and always is popular to hams discovering APRS and
those who who maybe looking to move on from Uiview. Off-line use is a real
gotcha, especially to people who might just be coping with a new OS as well.

Offline map ability using OSM would be really good for demos, camping
holidays and general journeys. Certainly in the UK.

>From a none-programmer, some kind of 'save map tile' while online would go
a long way to making this usable.

I'm not able to program this or I would. I've evangelised Xastir for a long
time now, I can't inspire people with an empty line map with coastal
accuracy or a few towns downloaded of osm, I have taken saved maps along,
but if they can't do the same 'out of the box' - I know they'll remember
and come back the next year looking for me..

Could something along the lines of the above be considered for development?

73 Dave H G0CER

(No I can't download the 24gig all-Europe OSM file mentioned at some point.)

On 16 November 2015 at 19:57, Curt Mills <curt.w...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 11:36 AM, David Ranch <xas...@trinnet.net> wrote:
> >
> > Could these tile archives be stored be the
> > current xastir.org server? To minimize bandwidth issues, maybe
> downloads can
> > be restricted to specific "trusted" Xastir accounts/passwords/whatever?
> The VM only has 20GB of disk, with 13GB free. Not sure I'd want to
> host much in the way of tiled maps there.
> --
> Curt, WE7U
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73 Dave H G0CER
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