Curt, WE7U wrote:
On Tue, 23 Oct 2007, Jason Winningham wrote:

*) DATABASE:  The initial database is probably going to be
PostgreSQL with PostGIS extensions.
I'll have to admit I'm a bit torn on this one - I like to keep things
simple, and IMO xastir's fairly large number of external support
packages required are a weak point.  On the other claw, if a GIS-
aware database results in performance and features worth the effort,
then bring it on.

For some of the handheld devices we need a different back-end, so
berkeley db files or SQLite might be the way to go there.

I'll state a preference for SQLite if we have to go this way but would like the "full-function" Xastir to be PostgreSQL + PostGIS driven.

I wouldn't mind seeing a native Mac OS X port (is that Aqua?).

Yes, let's keep that in mind as well.

1), and the two versions are incompatible!  This is a serious
management headache, and something that should not be inflicted on
end users.

Yep.  I'm all for stability and less dependencies.

So let Auto-cough or whatever build-script we choose decide the config at the end with only a limited of supported featured.

some of us with
some processing horsepower and storage could convert to the xastir
internal format and distribute those converted maps for folks who
don't  want to do a "full" build.

We could also allow for distributed map databases, where the users
could get their vector or raster maps via external servers.

Maintain WMS compatibility and start leveraging the WMS servers that are out there... and the new ones coming online.

Another worthy goal would be to allow for binary distributions.  I
know this can get ugly, but it will increase the user base (and
hopefully the developer base along with it).

Yep.  I'm already distributing SuSE RPM's and LSB binaries.  I used
to be against distributing binaries for a variety of reasons, but
many people want them.

I need to get on-track for Fedora and CentOS binaries, I guess. Let me check into manufacturing a few more hours in a day.

Gerry Creager -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Texas Mesonet -- AATLT, Texas A&M University        
Cell: 979.229.5301 Office: 979.458.4020 FAX: 979.862.3983
Office: 1700 Research Parkway Ste 160, TAMU, College Station, TX 77843
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