I'd like to invite everyone to reconsider: I have come to the conclusion
that introducing `volume-title` (see
https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/issues/111) is not the
optimal solution.

Reason: For a book (a single volume that is part of a multivolume
monograph) with a `title` and a `volume-title`, the `title` – quite unlike
all other titles – will *not* be the title of the smallest, most specific
unit involved. Also, `title-short` will no longer be a convenient, i.e.,
specific shorthand to refer to this item – the shortest unique from will
always have to include a volume number, e.g. “*Collected Works*, Vol. 3”.

My revised proposal is to introduce a new CSL variable for holding the
title of the multivolume monograph (e.g. “*Collected Works*”), and keep the
CSL `title` variable for the the title of the single volume (e.g.,
“*Tragedies*”). Assuming we call the new CSL variable `collective-title`,
as many library catalogues do, this is what it would look like in CSL:

- `title` (e.g. “Tragedies”)
- `collective-title` (e.g., “Collected Works”)
- `collection-title` (e.g., “Oxbridge Classical Texts”)

and for chapters:

- `title` (e.g. “Macbeth”)
- `container-title` (e.g. “Tragedies”)
- `collective-title` (e.g., “Collected Works”)
- `collection-title` (e.g., “Oxbridge Classical Texts”)

(`collective-title` of course is very similar to `collection-title`; other
candidates are `main-title`, or `multivolume-title`.)

This, by the way, matches the approach taken by biblatex, which has, for

- title (e.g. “Tragedies”)
- maintitle (e.g., “Collected Works”)
- series (e.g., “Oxbridge Classical Texts”)

and for chapters:
- title (e.g. “Macbeth”)
- booktitle (e.g. “Tragedies”)
- maintitle (e.g., “Collected Works”)
- series (e.g., “Oxbridge Classical Texts”)

I would still introduce `issue-title`, as originally proposed, for journal
articles. A whole issue, such as a special issue, however, again should
have its title in the `title` variable, rather than in `issue-title`.
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