On 10/14/19 11:22 AM, Thomas HUMMEL wrote:
On 10/14/19 10:59 AM, Thomas HUMMEL wrote:

following service nodes: ,maestro-xcat.maestro.pasteur.fr

Sorry, I juste noticed I had the above typo in my site table :


Now I changed it to


I get

# xdcp maestro-300 -F /opt/test/synclists/list.synclist
Error: [maestro-xcat]: Error from pping

But I can pping the node :

[root@maestro-xcat opt]# pping maestro-300
maestro-300: ping

I can fix it now but can't quite explain what happens :

The problem was that pping was not able to pping the master (maestro-xcat.maestro.pasteur.fr) itself.

I can make it work by

- either using the ip as the "master" attribute value in the site table
- or using the non fqdn (maestro-xcat) value in site table

This is quite confusing as man site mention "The hostname of the xCAT management node, as known by the nodes"

Note : in any case my maestro-xcat management node is not an xCAT node object itself, which may itself be a bad practice (but it has always worked for me this way)



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