Hi All

I have experienced XCSoar report grossly inaccurate wind values. Wind 
speeds of > 100km/h, coming from the completely the wrong direction. 
This happens with wind settings on "auto, both". I have seen it quite 
often, but not on every flight. If I play with settings during flight, I 
can sometimes fix the issue. Setting wind to "auto, circling" for a 
while seems to help. If I can "tame" this issue, the wind calcs are fast 
and accurate for the rest of the flight.

This is a photo of a NMEA log file replay on my Dell Streak which shows 
the problem:


The wind speed is indicated > 100 km/h, it should read about 25km/h. 
This is an hour and a half into the replay. I also setup info boxes to 
show true airspeed and ground speed.

I searched the bug lists and I found this ticket which appears to 
describe my problem:


I have added comments to that ticket with a link to a NMEA log file and 
that photo.

Unfortunately nobody has claimed ownership of this bug and there have 
been no updates for over a year. So I posted this here least somebody 
sees this and is inspired to provide man hours to fix the problem.

I do a lot of ridge and wave flying where circling wind calcs do not 
work and I loath playing with PDA settings in flight. (Definitely not a 
good idea when ridge soaring!). So I am keen to help get this bug fixed.

Thanks in anticipation!


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