On Wed, 2012-10-31 at 19:51 +0200, Marko Ristola wrote:
> Fedora Xen would benefit if virt-manager DomU install would work out of the 
> box.
Mmm... You're still talking about F17 right?

I'm asking because I remember the fprintd thing being an issue there.
However, I'm testing F18 beta from a couple of days and I can testify
virt-install and virt-manager _really_are_ working out of the box! :-)

Basically, what I did was just installing the OS, then installing Xen
and the tools (e.g., as described here:
or here:
 http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Fedora_Host_Installation ).

After that I was able to start creating guests, and all is working ok.
What is it that is not working 'out of the box' for you?


<<This happens because I choose it to happen!>> (Raistlin Majere)
Dario Faggioli, Ph.D, http://retis.sssup.it/people/faggioli
Senior Software Engineer, Citrix Systems R&D Ltd., Cambridge (UK)

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