On 11/21/2017 09:11 AM, Philippe Gerum wrote:

So, let's talk about the elephant in the room: the current situation of
the Xenomai project is not viable in the long run. I can only encourage
people who feel concerned about it to discuss openly the practical steps
to best address this challenge.

Hi Philippe,

I would be happy to help any way that I can, especially with any of the new pipeline work.

Having said that, I think this is a good discussion to have. If there are commercial or institutional users of any of the somewhat neglected subsystems, this would be a good time to remind them to invest some resources into maintaining these things in the upstream project.

I think in general, hobbyist contributors will mostly work on what they find interesting to themselves, and if there is no hobbyist or commercial support for certain features then perhaps it does make sense to drop them.


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