Am Fri, 6 Apr 2018 17:37:06 +0200
schrieb Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <>:

> Hi
> On 06/04/18 11:36, Lange Norbert wrote:
> [...]
> > 
> > Google for "FindXenomai" to see that I am hardy the only one with
> > that need. What I would like is to have a proper solution for
> > Xenomai, and my way of doing that is to get criticized from
> > people-in-the-know.  
> I have done a "FindXenomai" and I have found several projects. I did
> myself one, based in the ROS one, and the Orocos people has another
> for instance.
> You are not alone in the darkness ... ;-)

Ok, then go ahead and share it, at least with Norbert.


> Leopold

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