George N. White III wrote:

Unlike UNIX-based OS's, Windows has problems writing to files that are open in another program, so Windows editors and AcroRead support "DynamicDataExchange" which allows a program that wants to write a PDF to ask AcroRead to close, and then open the file after it has been written.   WinEDT can be configured to close the Adobe PDF viewer so that TeX software can write a new PDF.  On Windows, TeX Live provides pdfopen and pdfclose programs (I think originally from fptex) that are useful in scripts (to bracket programs that
create a pdf file):

> type sample2e.cmd
pdfclose sample2e.pdf
lualatex sample2e
pdfopen sample2e.pdf

Thank you for that information, George.  Is "AcroRead" "Acrobat Reader" or another program ?  I ask because I have just tried "pdfclose" here, with a PDF open in Adobe Acrobat (not Acrobat Reader) and it fails as follows :

C:\Windows\System32>pdfclose "Hoi-An vegan menu (separate pages).pdf"
pdfclose: non existent file Hoi-An vegan menu (separate pages).pdf
Cannot contact a server.

/Philip Taylor/

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