Philip Taylor wrote:

Thank you for that information, George.  Is "AcroRead" "Acrobat Reader" or another program ?  I ask because I have just tried "pdfclose" here, with a PDF open in Adobe Acrobat (not Acrobat Reader) and it fails as follows :

C:\Windows\System32>pdfclose "Hoi-An vegan menu (separate pages).pdf"
pdfclose: non existent file Hoi-An vegan menu (separate pages).pdf
Cannot contact a server.


And if, within the CMD window from which I am attempting to initiate the "pdfclose", I first change directory to that containing the open PDF, I receive a related but different diagnostic and the file remains open —


O:\>cd O:\Dropbox\Dropbox (Personal)\WBH\Menus\2021\Main\28-May-2021

O:\Dropbox\Dropbox (Personal)\WBH\Menus\2021\Main\28-May-2021>pdfclose "Hoi-An vegan menu (separate pages).pdf"
Cannot contact a server.

O:\Dropbox\Dropbox (Personal)\WBH\Menus\2021\Main\28-May-2021>

/Philip Taylor/

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