I have the same problem with a Samsung Syncmaster 955b

When starting Xfree My monitor turns off and I have an ATI RAGE FURY PRO 

Any comments ??

Best regardss

On Tue, 21 Jan 2003 02:46:46 +0800
Pavel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

p_petrov> Hello!
p_petrov> I'm from Russia so please excuse my terrible english.
p_petrov> Please help me with my problem! My OS is FreeBSD 4.6 and
p_petrov>  I have a problem with X-server - i couldn't run it i "good" mode. I have 
p_petrov> T810b-se with i810 chipset and onboard vigeo. My monitor is Samsung
p_petrov> SyncMaster 755DFX it's horizontal sync raange 30-85 kHz, vertical
p_petrov> 50-160 Hz. My xfree version is 4.2.0. I think that the trouble is with
p_petrov> video card. I can run X-Server (KDE) with driver "vga" (standard VGA)
p_petrov> In that case the "Device" section in my XF86Config file is
p_petrov> identifier "svga"
p_petrov> driver "vga"
p_petrov> With standard VGA driver I can run X-Server in 320x200 (8 bit) or
p_petrov> 640x480 (4 bit). I'd like to run it in the mode 800x600 (8 or 16 bit).
p_petrov> This mode is certainly supported by Intel 810 graphics controller. So
p_petrov> please tell me ho can I do that. I tryed to use VESA and i810 drivers
p_petrov> but when I startx my monitor's screen becomes black (monitor turns
p_petrov> off). With both these two drivers i tryed to specify many other
p_petrov> optons:
p_petrov> for the videoRam parameter I tryed to use 4096 (so it shown in Windows
p_petrov> 2000) and 1024 values (so it shown in /root/XF86Config.new in
p_petrov> FreeBSD). I tryed to specify many other parameters such as Vendor, PCI
p_petrov> Bus, BoardName, chipset with values that shown in XF86Config.new. I
p_petrov> tryed to use XF86Config.new at the place of XF86Config. I tryed to
p_petrov> specify single monitor's horizSync and VertRefresh such as:
p_petrov> HorizSync 46.875
p_petrov> VertRefresh 75
p_petrov> (these parameters are written in monitor's documentation for 800x600
p_petrov> mode).
p_petrov> So my question is what shall i specify in XF86Config in device
p_petrov> Section.
p_petrov> Many thanks,
p_petrov> Petrov Pavel.
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