On Sat, Mar 01, 2003 at 07:48:09PM -0800, Per Bjornsson wrote:
> On Sun, 2 Mar 2003, Daniel Stone wrote:
> > You only need the updated kernel if you want direct rendering support.
> > If this is worthless to you, don't bother with the updated kernel.

In the event, we finally got things working. I compiled from the
tarballs on the xfree86 site, not the source RPMs, on a test machine.
Everything installed and ran just fine. I then did the same on my
teacher's machine.

I then walked the class throught the process, first installing needed
RPMs. Here is a list of the packages that I made sure were present for
the compile:


You may wish to add this list to the documentation for the benefit of
future tarball users.

The result ran on all the machines except one. The program
redhat-config-xfree86 failed to configure that machine. It had been
sent back to the factory, so may have had slightly different
hardware. I tossed in the hard drive on which I had done the original
experimental compile and installation. That came up and ran
correctly. I'll try putting my XFree86.config on that student's hard
drive and see what happens.


Charles Curley                  /"\    ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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