On Thursday 15 July 2004 22:21, Warren Paul wrote:
> I must say. I to thought it might be that some time ago. But because It
> worked at the other mode I never gave it another thought. Sadly I tried
> what you said and still got no result :-(

Hmm, I just had a quick (note the quick: I'm probably overlooking many things 
in the code here:) look at the source code of the radeon driver (which 
probably does something similar to the fglrx driver), and it appears that the 
on-chip modes are tested if:
- you don't have a CRT connected, AND
- no DCC modes are found OR found modes < requested modes AND
- you don't have a very small display (illegal size defined in the config file 
if I'm not mistaken)

Now, I noticed the only requested mode you have is 1600x1200 (the other line 
is commented out). When you tried without 1600x1200, did you uncomment the 
other line? If not, requested modes would be 0, and the on-chip modes will be 
tested first. With the 1600x1200 on, the on-chip modes probably will not be 
tested, since it will most likely find more modes than the 1 requested mode.

You could also try turning DCC on, to see if the behaviour changes.


Pieter Hulshoff
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