Davide Libenzi wrote:
On Sat, 31 Jan 2009, Ralf wrote:

You should really read Xmail's documentation. XMail has its own configuration, independent from the system one (since it runs on OSs other than Unix - and even though, most definitely every Unix is different from a configuration POV).

In the xmail documentation the following is written under ALIASES.TAB :

  You can even have wildcards in the domain field, as:
    "*" "postmaster"    "postmas...@domain.net"

So I stopped xmail, appended this entry to aliases.tab:
 "*"    "postmaster"    "postmas...@amitrader.com"

and there is already the following line
  "amitrader.com" "postmaster"    "admin-mb"

(Oh yes, they contain hard tabs)

Then I started xmail and on the command line (I'm logged in as root)
I used "mail postmaster" to send a test mail, and also "sendmail postmaster",
but in both cases the mails bounce as follows:

<00>] XMail bounce: Rcpt=[postmaster];Error=[]
[<01>] Error sending message [1233431322413.3079076752.5.srv2.amitrader.com] 
from [amitrader.com].
ID:        <L8C>
Mail From: <r...@localhost>
Rcpt To:   <postmaster>

Any other tips on how to solve this problem?
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