> Try SDL+DirectFB if you have an ArcadeVGA, you won't have any tearing at
> all (with the right modelines) ;-)

I could give DirectFB a try, but there's something I would like to know if you 
can answer:

Is DirectFB seen as an X replacement ?
If yes, is it possible to run X programs under DirectFB or do they need a 
rewrite for the rendering part of the code ?
Is it possible to run X and DirectFB at the same time and switch from one to 
another using chvt ?

I ask this because my goal for this cab is to run as many emulators as 
possible (xmame, xmess, uae, ...) and of course I plan to do a front-end for 
all this. As i'm not very experienced with C/SDL (did only one project in C 
using SDL) I planned to do my front-end using pygame (Python/SDL) in order to 
make my life easier and decrease the development time. So, if it's not 
possible to run other emulators + Pygame under DirectFB, I even't won't try 
this alternative.

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