On 02/10/10 03:43 PM, Luc Verhaegen wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 03:17:16PM -0800, Stuart Kreitman wrote:
>> On 02/10/10 11:47 AM, Daniel Stone wrote:
>>> (tl;dr: Yes, I agree that the Foundation needs to be doing a lot more,
>>>           but nothing we've done is hidden from our members, i.e. board
>>>           members know basically as much as you, and that this is a result
>>>           of lack of time/etc, rather than any desire to keep any
>>>           information private.  Yes, we should be doing better.)
>>> Hi,
>>> Disclaimer: All of this is off the top of my head.  I could be and am
>>> probably wrong on some of the details.  This does not represent an
>>> official statement on behalf of the Foundation, etc, etc.
>>> On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 06:31:32PM +0100, Luc Verhaegen wrote:
>>>> The X.org Foundation exists to best represent the interests of the X.org
>>>> Foundation members, by being the legal entity responsible for the state
>>>> of the Foundation. To a large extent, its responsibility is to manage
>>>> the considerable amount of funds that the X.org foundation has gathered
>>>> over the years, in the best interest of these X.org foundation members.
>>> Rather.  For the record, I think the current balance is on the order of
>>> ~$us150k.  Around the time we dissolved the sponsors' group, we decided
>> As co-signer of the checks,  that sounds really high, My guess is that its
>> knocked down to 1/2 that by now, but I haven't seen the exact balance for
>> a few years now.  This needs to be sorted before comittments for the next
>> conference are made.    Keith?
> So, Stuart, you are not on the board, but you have to cosign the
> checks... How come there seems to be no certainty about the amount still
> available?
> Luc Verhaegen.

I have co-signed every check since 2005.  Keith has given me a verbal on 
the balance from time to
time, but I haven't seen a written or historical accounting in a while.  
I trust Keith doesn't want to
do something dumb like bounce a check, and you can ask him about how 
skeptical and severe
I am when it comes to COUNTER-signing.  After all, most of this money 
originated from my employer.

By the way, do you have receipts for reimbursement of FOSDEM costs?

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