I am looking into the development of xournal for some time and got a
bit confused.
There is a C++ branch which seems to get some but not much work at the moment.
There is a SVN and a GIT. In the GIT there seems to be a GTK3 branch.
Some Github forks exists as well.

I couldn't figure out what is the actual up-to-date repro resp. from
where to start.
Should one wait for the GTK3 port?
Is there any future for the C++ branch?
Furthermore, I have a bit trouble to start reading the code. Is there
any developer manual? Filestructure, coding style, etc.?

Actually, I want to add a presentation mode to xournal. That is
(ordered by piority):

a) An extra window which mirrors the content of the actual drawing
area (to be placed on the video projector screen)
b) Make xournal aware of LaTeX beamer, which creates frames and
slides... a frame can consists of several slides to mimic the effect
of animations (add text and images part by part to the same frame).
Thus, a PDF  which contains only a single frame might consist of
several pages. It would make sense, that Xournal keeps all kind of
annotation until the next frame.
d) Create a pane on the main window to see the next slide (and/or frame)
e) Display presentation time (either way, just a clock, time in
minutes or time left)
c) Switch state of the presentation window into black, white or freeze
(keep the slide to allow the presenter to search through the
presentation and after the right frame/slide is found unfreeze and the
presentation window will be updated)
d) set and jump to bookmarks easily

I would be very glad if you could give me some feedback on how
difficulte it would be to reach the above aims. Would that be
something of general interest for xournal or should it be a fork like
xournal-presenter? Was there already some activity in this direction?

Thanks for your support


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