On Fri, 29 Mar 2002, Mark Vojkovich wrote:

> On Fri, 29 Mar 2002, Keith Packard wrote:
> >
> > Around 15 o'clock on Mar 29, Vladimir Dergachev wrote:
> >
> > > I was under impression that Radeon driver only uses 565 and 32bpp ARGB
> > > framebuffer formats. I do not think it makes sense to support Xv with 8bpp
> > > modes so I thought the code to be correct.
> >
> > For TrueColor, the radeon driver also supports 555, which is the format I
> > was using.
> >
> > I don't understand why you think 8bpp isn't a reasonable format; many apps
> > run only on PseudoColor displays.  The video isn't restricted to that
> > format as it bypasses the LUT, so this format would have no effect on the
> > appearance of the Xv images.
> >
> > > Are you trying to allow pixel values to be passed in the same format as
> > > the visual associated to the window you apply XvPutXXXX call to ? If so, I
> > > do not understand how your code works..
> >
> > To work properly, the color key must be programmed with the RGB values it
> > will see when the given pixel value is sent through the LUT.  That's why
> > the code I wrote uses the current installed colormap, rather than the
> > windows colormap.  It occurs to me now that the code must also track
> > colormap changes and reload the color key as appropriate.
> >
>    The Rage 128 didn't work that way.  It keyed off index values, not
> the color they correspond to.  If it keys off the post colormap lookup
> value, this isn't very useful for video since there can be many identical
> colors in the colormap and your key is no longer unique.

And the same argument works for Radeon.. As long as we key on the color of
graphics 8bpp is just not enough.

                               Vladimir Dergachev

>                               Mark.
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