On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Lukas Molzberger wrote:

> What I want to suggest is to start from scratch and design a new, clean
> and modern windowing system without any legacy.

And what evidence do you cite that this new system will be faster,
smaller, cleaner, or better?  Designing a windowing system is *not* easy.
Even Apple, a luminary in user interface design, created a dog slow,
bloated pig of a windowing system to start.  Mac OS/X is getting better,
but it's still sluggish.

There are two important things to keep in mind:

First, XFree86 only recently became the dominant implementation of X.
Before that, any extensions made it incompatible with any of the other X
implementations.  That has become less of an issue as XFree86 continues to
gain momentum and market share.  Consequently, XFree86 can now set the
standard rather than react to the standard.

Second, Windows, MacOS, and even VNC developers were *paid* to develop
these windowing systems.  Few of the XFree86 developers get paid full-time
to develop XFree86.  If you really want to help accelerate development,
get these folks some funding so that they can develop XFree86 full-time.


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