
There's no debate on the necessity of CI and related infrastructure to
support the platform well. Suresh outlined the support to effect this
here: http://s.apache.org/s1

Is the commitment to establish this infrastructure after the merge
sufficient? -C

On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Konstantin Shvachko
<shv.had...@gmail.com> wrote:
> -1
> We should have a CI infrastructure in place before we can commit to
> supporting Windows platform.
> Eric is right Win/Cygwin was supported since day one.
> I had a Windows box under my desk running nightly builds back in 2006-07.
> People were irritated but I was filing windows bugs until 0.22 release.
> Times changing and I am glad to see wider support for Win platform.
> But in order to make it work you guys need to put the CI process in place
> 1. windows jenkins build: could be nightly or PreCommit.
> - Nightly would mean that changes can be committed to trunk based on
> linux PreCommit build. And people will file bugs if the change broke
> Windows nightly build.
> - PreCommit-win build will mean automatic reporting failed tests to
> respective jira blocking commits the same way as it is now with linux
> PreCommit builds.
> We should discuss which way is more efficient for developers.
> 2. On-demand-windows Jenkins build.
> I see it as a build to which I can attach my patch and the build will
> run my changes on a dedicated windows box.
> That way people can test their changes without having personal windows nodes.
> I think this is the minimal set of requirement for us to be able to
> commit to the new platform.
> Right now I see only one windows related build
> https://builds.apache.org/view/Hadoop/job/Hadoop-1-win/
> Which was failing since Sept 8, 2012 and did not run in the last month.
> Thanks,
> --Konst
> On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 8:47 PM, Eric Baldeschwieler
> <eri...@hortonworks.com> wrote:
>> +1 (non-binding)
>> A few of observations:
>> - Windows has actually been a supported platform for Hadoop since 0.1 .  
>> Doug championed supporting windows then and we've continued to do it with 
>> varying vigor over time.  To my knowledge we've never made a decision to 
>> drop windows support.  The change here is improving our support and dropping 
>> the requirement of cigwin.  We had Nutch windows users on the list in 2006 
>> and we've been supporting windows FS requirements since inception.
>> - A little pragmatism will go a long way.  As a community we've got to stay 
>> committed to keeping hadoop simple (so it does work on many platforms) and 
>> extending it to take advantage of key emerging OS/hardware features, such as 
>> containers, new FSs, virtualization, flash ...  We should all plan to let 
>> new features & optimizations emerge that don't work everywhere, if they are 
>> compelling and central to hadoop's mission of being THE best fabric for 
>> storing and processing big data.
>> - A UI project like KDE has to deal with the MANY differences between 
>> windows and linux UI APIs.  Hadoop faces no such complex challenge and hence 
>> can be maintained from a single codeline IMO.  It is mostly abstracted from 
>> the OS APIs via Java and our design choices.  Where it is not we can 
>> continue to add plugable abstractions.

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