On 03/14/2018 11:33 AM, Suresh K Hosamani wrote:
> Hi Ancor,
> For OES2018SP1 (sles12sp3), we have a requirement of creating an
> additional ext4 partition along with the default btrfs partition
> proposal, is there any way to do it from code or control.xml.
> For OES, we want to create this ext4 partition by default along with
> btrfs (/) partition.

Nothing that comes to my mind. Products based on SLE15 will have a huge
flexibility defining which partitions should be proposed by the
installer[1]. But products based on SLE12SPX are limited to the usual
separate /home.

CCing yast-devel ML in case somebody can think on a way to achieve what
you want in a system without storage-ng.


Ancor González Sosa
YaST Team at SUSE Linux GmbH
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