I have a yocto generated sdk that includes a customized kernel.  I do
NOT want to play with incremental config files.  What I want is to
insert a .config file of my own choosing (generated outside of yocto)
into the kernel build, have it use only my .config, and then have that
.config remain as the persistent authoritative config as part of the
yocto layer.

I have tried a variety of different approaches:
* using devtool, then loading my .config into the expanded source, but
"devtool finish" throws out my changes!

* doing "bitbake menuconfig", can build a kernel using my config, but
it doesn't stay persistent in yocto

* doing elaborate sort/merges on the yocto .config and my prefered
one...undefined behaviour

and the build always seems to revert to either the original yocto
config, or a kludge of my options with a bunch of defaults I did not

How can I take my existing .config and force yocto to use it, and it
only, forevermore?
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