Hi Kent,

Create your own kernel recipe and provide a defconfig for it:

SRC_URI += "file://defconfig"

For example to build a bleeding kernel directly from Linus' repo:

DESCRIPTION = "Linux Kernel from kernel.org Git Repository"
SECTION = "kernel"


require recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto.inc

LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=d7810fab7487fb0aad327b76f1be7cd7"





SRC_URI += "file://defconfig"

SRCREV = "d5226fa6dbae0569ee43ecfc08bdcd6770fc4755"

COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "qemux86|qemux86-64"


On 1/28/20 7:15 PM, Kent Dorfman wrote:
> I have a yocto generated sdk that includes a customized kernel.  I do
> NOT want to play with incremental config files.  What I want is to
> insert a .config file of my own choosing (generated outside of yocto)
> into the kernel build, have it use only my .config, and then have that
> .config remain as the persistent authoritative config as part of the
> yocto layer.
> I have tried a variety of different approaches:
> * using devtool, then loading my .config into the expanded source, but
> "devtool finish" throws out my changes!
> * doing "bitbake menuconfig", can build a kernel using my config, but
> it doesn't stay persistent in yocto
> * doing elaborate sort/merges on the yocto .config and my prefered
> one...undefined behaviour
> and the build always seems to revert to either the original yocto
> config, or a kludge of my options with a bunch of defaults I did not
> specify.
> How can I take my existing .config and force yocto to use it, and it
> only, forevermore?

Rudolf J Streif
CEO/CTO ibeeto
+1.855.442.3386 x700

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