On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Jack Mitchell <m...@communistcode.co.uk> 
> Brian,
> What image are you building, as I cannot get core-image-minimal to boot at
> all on my xM. I am currently trying to fix a hosed sd card (who knows what
> happened to it!) and then I will see if it has made any difference.

Probably the same images as you.  I switched my branch to master and
the default kernel built was 3.0.12.

You might have to smoke your SD card (re-partition it for boot & root)
and copy MLO first, then u-boot.bin and uImage.  Copying MLO first is
key.  I know this can be a pain.  Google for beagleboard SD Card
script to find one of the scripts that automates setting up the SD
Card.  They just create the partitions etc., you still have to copy
the contents to the card in the right order.  MLO is the first you
copy on the boot partition, the order the rest are copied don't matter

I also have a boot.scr with:

setenv bootcmd 'mmc init; fatload mmc 0:1 0x80300000 uImage; bootm 0x80300000'
setenv setenv bootargs 'console=ttyO2,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2
rootwait rootfstype=ext3 rw'

Hope that helps!


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