Has anyone used Sente and Yojimbo together to categorize biomedical
research articles? I have several hundred articles downloaded and
filed in folders in Finder which I would like to put in Yojimbo with
tags. However, by moving them to Yojimbo , Sente can no longer open
them. Sente (from third street software) is a bibliography search,
file, and format application. It also files articles downloaded, but
I have not found a good way to link already downloaded articles to
it. Sente will search my hard drive and find an article in its
bibliography database using Spotlight, and will find articles that I
have filed in Yojimbo, but will not open them. Ideally, I would like
Sente to be able to find the article, and when I click on the PDF
icon within Sente, either open the article in Preview, or in Yojimbo,
but instead, nothing happens, even if I have not deleted the article
from the Finder.
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