On Jan 10, 2008, at 9:46 AM, TjL wrote:
Is there a way (OTHER than using Print To Yojimbo) to get a WebArchive
of a webpage to use the Print CSS file?
The new Macworld.com design (which I loathe) took away the easy
printer-friendly URLs. If you actually print them (even to PDF) you
get a so-called printer-friendly version, but how I like the store web
pages is to make a web archive of them instead.
The solution I settled on is to use the Scrapbook extension in Firefox
to caputure the parts of the page I want to save. I then save the page
I captured in scrapbook to Yojimbo.
It's an extra step, but you can automate it using a macro utility
(e.g. Quickeys or iKey). I posted instructions on how to do that to
the list a couple of weeks ago.
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