On Jan 12, 2008, at 2:41 PM, doug rogers wrote:

There is no Drop tab, and there is no function key functionality. The drop tab pane accepts the clicks and all the buttons are there, yet the drop tab doesn't show up. The Function keys do not show up in the preferences pane of Yojimbo.

Does quitting Yojimbo and opening it again fix the problem?

I ask because I ran into a similar problem: Yojimbo came up with no drop dock and the hotkey prefs were empty. In my case it was because I had Yojimbo set up as a login item, along with a large number of other items. Apparently there was some contention for resources, and Yojimbo was not able to complete its startup process, which includes launching the drop dock and setting the hotkeys. Quitting Yojimbo and restarting it fixed the problem for me.

BTW, the developers know about this issue. In my case it was caused by Yojimbo not being able to check in with sync services at startup (likely because of all the other applications I was trying to open simultaneously).

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