What I am trying to do is get the modified date of the item and be able to
rename the item by appending the modified date to the end of the filename
(but before the file extension). I was trying to do it using a TypeIt4Me
abbreviation - .e.g so that every time I typed "ytag" the item's modified
date would be returned when I am renaming it.

I think you're mixing too many tools and gestures into the process. And to repeat myself: There are no _files_ in Yojimbo.

However, if you want to rename an item using the date:

on FormatDate(modDate)
    set dateString to ¬
        (year of (modDate)) & "-" & ¬
(text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & (month of (modDate) as number))) & "-" & ¬ (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & (day of (modDate) as number))) ¬
            as string
    return dateString
end FormatDate

tell application "Yojimbo"
    set selectedItem to selection
    set itemTitle to name of item 1 of selectedItem
    set modDate to modification date of item 1 of selectedItem
    set prettyDate to my FormatDate(modDate)
    set itemTitle to itemTitle & space & prettyDate

    set name of item 1 of selectedItem to itemTitle
end tell

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