I forgot to say, one thing that bothers me a bit in Yojimbo is that Tag
Collections are not treated the same way as 'regular' Collections, in the
sense that you can't drag and drop stuff into a Tag Collecion as you can do
with a regular Collection.

I think that it would be natural to expect either that if you drag an item
into a tag collection, it would be automatically tagged as to fit in that



On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 12:30 PM, Paulo Diniz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Great discussion here, I'm pretty sure that it isn't the purpose of the
> list, but i think it`s important to discuss organization methods. Like said
> below, we're so busy most of the time dealing with what is given to us (a
> third of the time, or whatever) and also actually DOING stuff, that we don't
> take the time to step back and think outside of the box on what's really
> needed to sort the mess of our lives.
> I, for one, am still searching for my ultimate system, and have, in the
> past, written drafts/specs of an ideal organization software. Those drafts
> are availiable at:
> http://notariussystem.blogspot.com/
> My most recent post (the only recent post, that is) offers a good abstract
> of what i'm searching for. If anyone is interested enough, please take a
> look on it. As time goes, i plan to detail it further.
> Cheers,
> -Paulo
> On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 11:40 AM, Luis Roca <
> > Keith
> > I'm not getting a sense that your sincerely happy for me. Maybe I'm just
> > a little insecure. I don't know but this is neither the time or the
> > place for that discussion. : )
> >
> > Scott responded to this but since you directed it at me it's only fair
> > that I give you an answer. I N-E-V-E-R said I use or would suggest to
> > use Yojimbo as a total GTD tool. There is NO total GTD tool, not
> > OmniFocus, not Things, not kGTD, not Entourage, etc. You're right
> > Yojimbo is part of my system (the archive). That's all any piece of
> > software can hope to be, a part of a complete system. This is
> > repeated throughout the book beginning in the preface.
> >
> > There are people on this list that use Yojimbo as their primary process
> > and review tool within their daily GTDing. I'm honestly not sure how
> > effective it can be over a long period of time but I'd love to hear more
> > about it.
> >
> > > Everything else ends up in the *correct* folder.
> > >
> > > There is such a thing as the *correct* folder  as there are such
> > > things as objective hierarchies -- ones which capture real
> > > relationships between things. You can think of genus-species
> > > groupings in biology, or project-file groupings in your work. Where
> > > such groupings exist, a hierarchical file structure has real value,
> > > but they take some thinking about to be stable/valuable-- which is
> > > why the profession of 'librarian' exists for one.
> >
> > Carlton,
> > You make excellent points and I find it interesting that you're using
> > Yojimbo as an inbox where you go back to identify/process the
> > information at a later date. It's much different than how I use it and
> > seems like a solid system. You hit at the initial point that I was
> > trying to make which was the importance of the initial identification
> > process of a digital asset.
> >
> > I do have to respectfully disagree with the idea of a *correct* folder.
> > I'm not saying it doesn't exist or can't be part of a larger
> > organizational system. I just think this method can easily (and often
> > does) break down when a second user is introduced to the system.
> >
> > Everyone on this list has probably had the uncomfortable sensation of
> > starting a new job and being welcomed with a new folder structure to
> > learn. Your'e at the mercy of whoever decided on the file and folder
> > naming structure (Who may not even be with the company anymore).
> > Tags,notes/comments, saved searches, etc. offer a solution that tech
> > savy librarians and information architects have been promoting recently.
> >    (*See : "Ambient Findability" by Peter Morville and
> >        "Keeping Found Things Found" by William Jones)
> >
> > Anyone and everyone can name an item without stepping on your coworker
> > or boss' toes. You name an item in a meaningful way to you, and others
> > get to do the same. A new employee can find a file in a shorter period
> > of time and without having to shamefully ask her cubicle mate when
> > searching for file 03.5248-Financials.doc that's buried in a seven level
> > folder structure on the external corporate database.
> >
> > I've read that the average professional spends a third of their week
> > looking for information that they have previously encountered! So as
> > well as folders have worked for some people, more fluid systems need to
> > be put in place for the rest of us.
> >
> > I've helped turn this into exactly what I didn't want
> > - The Continuing Saga of Nested Folders -
> > It ends here!
> > : ) Luis
> >
> > --
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