Very interesting : thanks ! I love tags... but I still need to SEE all my files in folders (like in ancient times...) But I never go further than one nested folder by main folder (sorry for my bad english, hope you will understand).

Le 5 mai 08 à 16:11, Steve Kalkwarf a écrit :

I agree completely with your mail. Sometimes I am afraid to forget some items because I don't remember all the tags' name. I really need tags and folders. I try Eaglefiler (nested folders AND tags) : it tastes like Yojimbo, but it is not Yojimbo - but looks fine too.

I've seen several people mention that they are afraid if they forget a tag, they'll lose an item. I don't understand.

Both Tags and Collections are aids in retrieving items. They are not the only way to retreive an item: They provide additional context for the item so that you can find it more easily.

I typically search for the content or title of an item when I want to fetch a specific item.

I have a small number of Collections present that remind me there are things I need to work on, containing tagged and untagged items related to that task.

I have a slightly larger number of Tag Collections defined. I use these to A) visually group items together for a specific task, or B) invert a relationship so I can see things by their Tag instead of trying to remember all the items.

But most of my items just live in the Library. I hate organizing.


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