Kamu hanya omong kosong bisa tipu kaum seiman yang goblok-golok untuk lebih 
tambah goblok agar terus miskin melarat dan mudah ditipu demi untuk kepetingan 
imam-dan ulama penipu.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: jhon ardian 
  To: zamanku@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 10:05 AM
  Subject: Re: [zamanku] Re: BBC: Saudi gang rape sentence 'unjust'; PEIRNGATAN!

        ya ini lah orang yang tidak tau dan asal jeplak( asal nylekop) tetntang 
agama islam...kasar banget omongannya...pantes aja kalo makannya BABI, anjing, 
tikus , bangkai... ya kaya gitu sama seperti yg di makannya

        --- Pada Jum, 7/11/08, Sunny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> menulis:

          Dari: Sunny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
          Topik: Re: [zamanku] Re: BBC: Saudi gang rape sentence 'unjust'; 
          Kepada: zamanku@yahoogroups.com
          Tanggal: Jumat, 7 November, 2008, 8:25 PM

          Susahnya bagi wanita ialah harus mempunyai 4 saksi, makanya sulit 
bagi korban dianggap benar.  Jadi sebelum  diperkosa harus  terlebih dahulu  
siapkan  4 saksinya. 

            ----- Original Message ----- 
            From: gkrantau 
            To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] .com 
            Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 11:56 PM
            Subject: [zamanku] Re: BBC: Saudi gang rape sentence 'unjust'; 

            Sodara2 Muslim din Indonesia khususnya para Muslimat tua dan muda, 
perhatikan apa yg terjadi pd diri korban pemerkosaan di Saudi Arabia di bawah 
ini. Hal yg serupa akan terjadi kpd Muslimat di Indonesia ketika fanatikun 
Islam pengikut aliran Wahabi dan pendukung Syariah Islam berkuasa di Indonesia.

            Apapun dusta yg telah disampaikan kpd kalian oleh Muslim2 yg 
menganggap kaum perempuan itu hina, semuanya sekedar untuk melecehkan, menindas 
hak2 anda sebagai manusia sama ciptaan Tuhan. Muslim2 fanatikun ini karena 
sudah dicuci otaknya dan tidak pernah bisa memake akal apalagi budinya akan 
terus  patuh kpd dusta yg dimulai di tanah Arab (aku sengaja tidak pake kata 
'tanah suci' krn memang tidak pernah suci) yaitu bhw kaum perempuan itu 
diciptakan hanya untuk melayani khususnya melayani nafsu birahi laki2.

            Bangsa Indonesia dari zaman nek-moyang kita ratusan bahkana ribuan 
taon lalu sudah tau mana yg baik dan benar. Mereka tidak pernah menganggap kaum 
perempuan hina. Ingat berbagai pucuk pimpinan masyarakat dan kerajaan pernah di 
tangan perempuan. Maka sari itu kata 'perempuan' dipake untuk menunjukkan 
hormat dan pengakuan bhw  perempuan adalah 'tempat, lokasi , dimana EMPU 
berada'. Dg kata laen dlm pribadi, diri perempuan itu terdapat hak milik tidak 
saja harta tapi wewenang.  Ini tentunya bertentangan dg pemikiran bangsa Arab 
yg dari sononya menaggap perempuan itu setingkat dg binatang piaraan saja.

            Ini bukan upaya Kristenisasi tapi sekedar peringatan agar anda 
tidak terus-menerus ditipu, dilecehkan, dihina dan hak azasi kita sbg kaum 
perempuan diinjak2 oleh begundal Arab.

            Gabriela Rantau

            --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] .com, Jusfiq Hadjar <utusan.allah@ ...> 
            > BBC NEWS
            > Saudi gang rape sentence 'unjust'
            > A lawyer for a gang-rape victim in Saudi Arabia who was sentenced 
to 200 lashes and six months in jail says the punishment contravenes Islamic 
            > The woman was initially punished for violating laws on 
segregation of the sexes - she was in an unrelated man's car at the time of the 
            > When she appealed, judges doubled her sentence, saying she had 
been trying to use the media to influence them.
            > Her lawyer has been suspended from the case and faces a 
disciplinary session.
            > Abdel Rahman al-Lahem told the BBC Arabic Service that the 
sentence was in violation of Islamic law:
            > "My client is the victim of this abhorrent crime. I believe her 
sentence contravenes the Islamic Sharia law and violates the pertinent 
international conventions, " he said.
            > "The judicial bodies should have dealt with this girl as the 
victim rather than the culprit."
            > The lawyer also said that his client would appeal against the 
decision to increase her punishment.
            > Segregation laws
            > According to the Arab News newspaper, the 19-year-old woman was 
gang-raped 14 times in an attack in Qatif in the eastern province a 
year-and-a-half ago.
            > Seven men were found guilty of the rape and sentenced to prison 
terms ranging from just under a year to five years.
            > The victim and attackers are from Saudi Arabia's Shia minority.
            > Being a Muslim, I think it's a big injustice done to the girl. If 
the court doubled the sentence of the girl then they should have given death 
penalty to the rapists
            > Asfandyar
            > Saudi Arabia
            > The rapists' sentences were also doubled by the court. 
Correspondents say the sentences were still low considering the rapists could 
have faced the death penalty.
            > The rape victim was punished for violating Saudi Arabia's laws on 
segregation that forbid unrelated men and women from associating with each 
other. She was initially sentenced to 90 lashes for being in the car of a 
strange man.
            > On appeal, the Arab News reported that the punishment was not 
reduced but increased to 200 lashes and a six-month prison sentence.
            > 'Personal views'
            > Mr Lahem accused the court of letting personal views influence 
its decision.
            > "It seems that the sentence was influenced by the fact that the 
woman escalated the issue with her lawyer and also with the supreme judicial 
authorities, " he said.
            > "This is astonishing because justice is supposed to be 
independent from all pressures as well as personal considerations, be it a 
feeling towards the lawyer or defendant herself," he added.
            > The Arab News quoted an official as saying the judges had decided 
to punish the girl for trying to aggravate and influence the judiciary through 
the media.
            > Mr Lahem said that the judges' decision to confiscate his licence 
to work and stop him from representing his client is illegal.
            > Story from BBC NEWS:
            > http://news. bbc.co.uk/ go/pr/fr/ -/2/hi/middle_ east/7098480. stm
            > Published: 2007/11/16 15:19:08 GMT
            > © BBC MMVIII
            > ------------ ---
            > Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo
            > Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh 
al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah 


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