Hi Daniel,

I tried again to test zd1211rw-strange-a12230s-v2.
This is a report of success of zd1211rw-strange-a12230s-v2.

Last time I could not set AP and could not change Bit Rate=1 Mb/s to
54Mb/s using # iwconfig as follows:

-------------- last time trial --------------
[EMAIL PROTECTED] zd1211rw]# iwconfig wlan0 ap "00:07:40:F8:F0:7C"
[EMAIL PROTECTED] zd1211rw]# iwconfig
lo        no wireless extensions.

eth0      no wireless extensions.

eth1      no wireless extensions.

Warning: Driver for device wlan0 has been compiled with version 21
of Wireless Extension, while this program supports up to version 19.
Some things may be broken...

wlan0     IEEE 802.11b/g  ESSID:"000D0B6031E8"  Nickname:"zd1211"
          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Access Point: Invalid
          Bit Rate=1 Mb/s
          Encryption key:off
          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:0
          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0

The soultion was ping to AP address( Then AP and Bit
Rate was set as follows:

-------------- this time success trial ----------
[EMAIL PROTECTED] zenkato]# lsmod|grep zd1211
zd1211rw               77444  0
ieee80211softmac       35777  1 zd1211rw
ieee80211              35465  2 zd1211rw,ieee80211softmac

[EMAIL PROTECTED] zenkato]# iwconfig
lo        no wireless extensions.

eth0      no wireless extensions.

eth1      no wireless extensions.

Warning: Driver for device wlan0 has been compiled with version 21
of Wireless Extension, while this program supports up to version 19.
Some things may be broken...

wlan0     IEEE 802.11b/g  ESSID:"000D0B6031E8"  Nickname:"zd1211"
          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Access Point: 00:07:40:F8:F0:7C
          Bit Rate=54 Mb/s
          Encryption key:off
          Link Quality=94/100  Signal level=51/100
          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0
I tried to test zd1211b again for comparison between them.
The difference between zd1211rw-strange-v2 and zd1211b are:

(1)zd1211rw-strange-v2 driver does not show:
Retry:off   RTS thr=2432 B   Fragment thr:off
Power Management:off
Noise level=0/100

zd1211b(vendor-community driver) is as follows:

wlan0     802.11b/g NIC  ESSID:"000D0B6031E8"
          Mode:Managed  Frequency=2.462 GHz  Access Point: 00:07:40:F8:F0:7C
          Bit Rate:54 Mb/s
          Retry:off   RTS thr=2432 B   Fragment thr:off
          Encryption key:off
          Power Management:off
          Link Quality=100/100  Signal level=81/100  Noise level=0/100
          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:226
          Tx excessive retries:4266  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0

(2)ping speed of zd1211rw-strange-v2 is slower than that of zd1211b.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] zenkato]# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=222 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=143 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=475 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=805 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=11.6 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=214 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=57.5 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=81.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=64 time=309 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=64 time=25.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=11 ttl=64 time=48.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=12 ttl=64 time=73.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=13 ttl=64 time=199 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=14 ttl=64 time=223 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=15 ttl=64 time=349 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=16 ttl=64 time=475 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=17 ttl=64 time=90.5 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=18 ttl=64 time=12.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=19 ttl=64 time=36.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=20 ttl=64 time=162 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=21 ttl=64 time=289 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=22 ttl=64 time=6.49 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=23 ttl=64 time=235 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=24 ttl=64 time=259 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=25 ttl=64 time=591 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=26 ttl=64 time=0.839 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=27 ttl=64 time=23.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=28 ttl=64 time=48.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=29 ttl=64 time=174 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=30 ttl=64 time=95.5 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=31 ttl=64 time=17.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=32 ttl=64 time=246 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=33 ttl=64 time=270 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=34 ttl=64 time=192 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=35 ttl=64 time=318 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=36 ttl=64 time=137 ms

--- ping statistics ---
36 packets transmitted, 36 received, 0% packet loss, time 35001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.839/192.455/805.191/177.701 ms

[EMAIL PROTECTED] zenkato]# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=5.35 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.802 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=2.79 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=2.78 ms

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.802/2.933/5.355/1.616 ms

The successful dmesg of zd1211rw-strange-v2 was:
usbcore: deregistering interface driver zd1211b
zd1211:USB ST Code = -108
zd1211:USB ST Code = -108
zd1205: (enter) zd1205_close,
/home/zenkato/tools/net/zd1211/svn/zd1211/src/zd1205.c line 4902
zd1205: (exit) zd1205_close,
/home/zenkato/tools/net/zd1211/svn/zd1211/src/zd1205.c line 4968
zd1211rw usb_init()
usb 5-4: print_id() 0411:00da v4810 high
usb 5-4: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 5
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_netdev_alloc() netdev->flags 0x1002
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_netdev_alloc() netdev->features 0x00000000
usb 5-4: request_fw_file() fw name zd1211/zd1211b_ub
usb 5-4: upload_firmware() firmware device id 0x4810 is equal to the
actual device id
usb 5-4: request_fw_file() fw name zd1211/zd1211b_uphr
usb 5-4: upload_code() transfer size 4096
usb 5-4: upload_code() transfer size 1024
usb 5-4: upload_code() firmware confirm return value 0x01
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_usb_enable_int()
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_usb_enable_int() submit urb ca21a2c0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_init_hw()
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: dump_cr() CR_AFTER_PNP 0x00000000
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: dump_cr() CR_GPI_EN 0x00000000
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: dump_cr() CR_INTERRUPT 0x00000000
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: read_fw_regs_offset() fw_regs_base: 0xf7f1
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: read_pod() E2P_POD 0xa000011a
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: read_pod() RF AL2230S_RF 0xa PA type 0x0 patch CCK 1
patch CR157 0 patch 6M 0 new PHY 1 link LED1 tx led 1
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: hw_init()
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd1211b_hw_reset_phy()
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_lock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0x00 -> 0x00
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_unlock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0x00 -> 0x80
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd1211b_hw_init_hmac()
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: get_aw_pt_bi() aw 0 pt 0 bi 0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: set_aw_pt_bi() aw 0 pt 99 bi 100
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_lock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0xa0 -> 0x20
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_usb_rfwrite() value 0x0241000 bits 24
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_unlock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0x20 -> 0xa0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: firmware version 4725
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: dump_fw_registers() FW_FIRMWARE_VER 0x4725
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: dump_fw_registers() FW_USB_SPEED 0x0001
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: dump_fw_registers() FW_FIX_TX_RATE 0x0000
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: dump_fw_registers() FW_LINK_STATUS 0x0000
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: dump_cr() CR_AFTER_PNP 0x00000001
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: dump_cr() CR_GPI_EN 0x00000000
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: dump_cr() CR_INTERRUPT 0x00000000
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd1211b chip 0411:00da v4810 high 00-16-01
AL2230S_RF pa0 g--N-
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_write_mac_addr() mac addr 00:16:01:6e:9a:80
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_read_regdomain() regdomain: 0x49
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: Unrecognised regulatory domain: 0x49. Defaulting to FCC.
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: regdomain 0x10
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_usb_disable_int() urb ca21a2c0 killed
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: probe() successful
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: eth2
usbcore: registered new interface driver zd1211rw
zd1211rw initialized
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_mac_get_channel() channel 0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: iw_get_range()
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: set_security()
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: set_security()    .level = 0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: set_security()    .enabled = 0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: set_security()    .encrypt = 0
SoftMAC: Associate: Scanning for networks first.
SoftMAC: Associate: failed to initiate scan. Is device up?
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_usb_enable_int()
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_usb_enable_int() submit urb db7505c0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_set_basic_rates_locked() ff0f
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_lock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0xa0 -> 0x20
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_unlock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0x20 -> 0xa0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_lock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0xa0 -> 0x20
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_rf_set_channel() channel: 1
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_int() channel 1 pwr_int 0x5c
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_ofdm_cal() channel 1 ofdm_cal 36M 0x79 48M
0x6d 54M 0x61
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_cal() channel 1 pwr_cal 0x80
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: patch_cck_gain() patching value 19
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_unlock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0x20 -> 0xa0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_usb_enable_rx()
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: housekeeping_enable()
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: bssinfo_change() changes: 7
ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_set_rts_cts_rate_locked() rts_rate=0 preamble=0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_set_basic_rates_locked() ff0f
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_set_multicast_hash() hash l 0x00000000 h 0x80000000
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_mac_set_multicast_list() mc addr 01:00:5e:00:00:01
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_set_multicast_hash() hash l 0x00000001 h 0x80000000
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_mac_get_channel() channel 1
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: iw_get_range()
SoftMAC: Canceling existing associate request!
SoftMAC: Associate: Scanning for networks first.
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: set_channel() channel 1
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_lock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0xa0 -> 0x20
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_rf_set_channel() channel: 1
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_int() channel 1 pwr_int 0x5c
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_ofdm_cal() channel 1 ofdm_cal 36M 0x79 48M
0x6d 54M 0x61
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_cal() channel 1 pwr_cal 0x80
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: patch_cck_gain() patching value 19
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_unlock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0x20 -> 0xa0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: set_channel() channel 2
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_lock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0xa0 -> 0x20
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_rf_set_channel() channel: 2
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_int() channel 2 pwr_int 0x64
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_ofdm_cal() channel 2 ofdm_cal 36M 0x7a 48M
0x6e 54M 0x61
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_cal() channel 2 pwr_cal 0x81
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: patch_cck_gain() patching value 19
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_unlock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0x20 -> 0xa0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: set_channel() channel 3
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_lock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0xa0 -> 0x20
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_rf_set_channel() channel: 3
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_int() channel 3 pwr_int 0x64
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_ofdm_cal() channel 3 ofdm_cal 36M 0x7a 48M
0x6e 54M 0x62
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_cal() channel 3 pwr_cal 0x82
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: patch_cck_gain() patching value 19
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_unlock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0x20 -> 0xa0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: set_channel() channel 4
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_lock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0xa0 -> 0x20
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_rf_set_channel() channel: 4
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_int() channel 4 pwr_int 0x64
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_ofdm_cal() channel 4 ofdm_cal 36M 0x7b 48M
0x6f 54M 0x62
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_cal() channel 4 pwr_cal 0x83
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: patch_cck_gain() patching value 19
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_unlock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0x20 -> 0xa0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: set_channel() channel 5
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_lock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0xa0 -> 0x20
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_rf_set_channel() channel: 5
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_int() channel 5 pwr_int 0x5c
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_ofdm_cal() channel 5 ofdm_cal 36M 0x7b 48M
0x70 54M 0x62
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_cal() channel 5 pwr_cal 0x83
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: patch_cck_gain() patching value 19
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_unlock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0x20 -> 0xa0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: set_channel() channel 6
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_lock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0xa0 -> 0x20
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_rf_set_channel() channel: 6
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_int() channel 6 pwr_int 0x64
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_ofdm_cal() channel 6 ofdm_cal 36M 0x7c 48M
0x70 54M 0x63
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_cal() channel 6 pwr_cal 0x84
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: patch_cck_gain() patching value 19
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_unlock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0x20 -> 0xa0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: set_channel() channel 7
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_lock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0xa0 -> 0x20
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_rf_set_channel() channel: 7
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_int() channel 7 pwr_int 0x64
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_ofdm_cal() channel 7 ofdm_cal 36M 0x7c 48M
0x71 54M 0x63
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_cal() channel 7 pwr_cal 0x85
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: patch_cck_gain() patching value 19
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_unlock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0x20 -> 0xa0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: set_channel() channel 8
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_lock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0xa0 -> 0x20
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_rf_set_channel() channel: 8
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_int() channel 8 pwr_int 0x64
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_ofdm_cal() channel 8 ofdm_cal 36M 0x7c 48M
0x71 54M 0x63
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_cal() channel 8 pwr_cal 0x85
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: patch_cck_gain() patching value 19
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_unlock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0x20 -> 0xa0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: set_channel() channel 9
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_lock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0xa0 -> 0x20
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_rf_set_channel() channel: 9
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_int() channel 9 pwr_int 0x5c
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_ofdm_cal() channel 9 ofdm_cal 36M 0x7b 48M
0x70 54M 0x62
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_cal() channel 9 pwr_cal 0x84
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: patch_cck_gain() patching value 19
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_unlock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0x20 -> 0xa0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: set_channel() channel 10
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_lock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0xa0 -> 0x20
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_rf_set_channel() channel: 10
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_int() channel 10 pwr_int 0x64
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_ofdm_cal() channel 10 ofdm_cal 36M 0x7b 48M
0x70 54M 0x62
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_cal() channel 10 pwr_cal 0x84
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: patch_cck_gain() patching value 19
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_unlock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0x20 -> 0xa0
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: set_channel() channel 11
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_lock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0xa0 -> 0x20
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_rf_set_channel() channel: 11
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_int() channel 11 pwr_int 0x63
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_ofdm_cal() channel 11 ofdm_cal 36M 0x7b 48M
0x6f 54M 0x62
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_cal() channel 11 pwr_cal 0x83
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: patch_cck_gain() patching value 19
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_unlock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0x20 -> 0xa0
SoftMAC: Scanning finished: scanned 11 channels starting with channel 1
SoftMAC: Queueing Authentication Request to 00:07:40:f8:f0:7c
SoftMAC: Cannot associate without being authenticated, requested authentication
SoftMAC: Already requested authentication, waiting...
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: set_channel() channel 11
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_lock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0xa0 -> 0x20
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_rf_set_channel() channel: 11
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_int() channel 11 pwr_int 0x63
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_ofdm_cal() channel 11 ofdm_cal 36M 0x7b 48M
0x6f 54M 0x62
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_cal() channel 11 pwr_cal 0x83
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: patch_cck_gain() patching value 19
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_unlock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0x20 -> 0xa0
SoftMAC: Sent Authentication Request to 00:07:40:f8:f0:7c.
SoftMAC: Open Authentication completed with 00:07:40:f8:f0:7c
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: set_channel() channel 11
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_lock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0xa0 -> 0x20
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_rf_set_channel() channel: 11
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_int() channel 11 pwr_int 0x63
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_ofdm_cal() channel 11 ofdm_cal 36M 0x7b 48M
0x6f 54M 0x62
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: update_pwr_cal() channel 11 pwr_cal 0x83
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: patch_cck_gain() patching value 19
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_unlock_phy_regs() CR_REG1: 0x20 -> 0xa0
SoftMAC: sent association request!
SoftMAC: associated!
ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_mac_set_multicast_list() mc addr 33:33:00:00:00:01
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_mac_set_multicast_list() mc addr 01:00:5e:00:00:01
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_set_multicast_hash() hash l 0x00000001 h 0x80000000
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_mac_set_multicast_list() mc addr 33:33:ff:6e:9a:80
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_mac_set_multicast_list() mc addr 33:33:00:00:00:01
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_mac_set_multicast_list() mc addr 01:00:5e:00:00:01
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_set_multicast_hash() hash l 0x00000001 h 0x80000001
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_mac_set_multicast_list() mc addr 33:33:00:00:00:fb
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_mac_set_multicast_list() mc addr 33:33:ff:6e:9a:80
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_mac_set_multicast_list() mc addr 33:33:00:00:00:01
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_mac_set_multicast_list() mc addr 01:00:5e:00:00:01
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_chip_set_multicast_hash() hash l 0x00000001 h 0xc0000001
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_mac_get_channel() channel 11
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: iw_get_range()
usb 5-4: rx_urb_complete() *** first fragment ***
usb 5-4: rx_urb_complete() *** second fragment ***
wlan0: no IPv6 routers present
usb 5-4: rx_urb_complete() *** first fragment ***
usb 5-4: rx_urb_complete() *** second fragment ***
usb 5-4: rx_urb_complete() *** first fragment ***
usb 5-4: rx_urb_complete() *** second fragment ***
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: zd_mac_get_channel() channel 11
zd1211rw 5-4:1.0: iw_get_range()
usb 5-4: rx_urb_complete() *** first fragment ***
usb 5-4: rx_urb_complete() *** second fragment ***
usb 5-4: rx_urb_complete() *** first fragment ***
usb 5-4: rx_urb_complete() *** second fragment ***
usb 5-4: rx_urb_complete() *** first fragment ***
usb 5-4: rx_urb_complete() *** second fragment ***
usb 5-4: rx_urb_complete() *** first fragment ***
usb 5-4: rx_urb_complete() *** second fragment ***
usb 5-4: rx_urb_complete() *** first fragment ***
usb 5-4: rx_urb_complete() *** second fragment ***



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