The story of Sakyamuni transmitting wisdom without words to Kasyapa was cooked 
up by somebody who wanted to fool kindhearted Buddhists and to divert them to a 
new form of practice. After a thousand years, the new form was successful, 
although it was then still another new form beyond recognition by the 
'creator', if he was able to see it. Like Daisetsu Suzuki says, Buddhism is a 
living thing, which keeps changing. The only thing that does not change is 
changing itself. So there is no difference between zen and Buddhism, while 
there is a big difference between them.

donald hwong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Hi Bill,

Bored? How is Thailand?  I will be flying to Taiwan and China and Hong Kong in 
three weeks.......

Toward the end of Buddha's life, he transmitted heart to heart the life force 
and wisdom without words or formalities to Kasyapa.  BodhiDharma brought that 
to China and slowly evolved with other Chinese culture into Chan, a Chinese 
name.  700 years later Chan was brought to Japan.  The Japanese pronounced the 
same Chinese character - Zen.

Chan I know very well.  Chan in my opinion is the essence of Buddha's teaching. 
 There is no difference.  Any difference is in our mind.

Now you can slaughter me.....

Bill Smart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:      What are the differences between 
'zen' and 'buddhism'?

  8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time
with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.  


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