I was raped.  I think you have some work to do on
 empathy yourself.  If you want to help your sister.. help yourself  first. 
I care about you-- but I admit--you make it difficult sometimes..
Kristy  (Before you have a impulse for a defensive reply--hit delete).

--- On Fri, 2/25/11, Maria Lopez <> wrote:

From: Maria Lopez <>
Subject: Re: [Zen] Re: Can A Buddha Harm Others?
Date: Friday, February 25, 2011, 3:18 AM


I suppose you or anyone can't give views about an event thas not taken place in 
one life.  Only the ones and closed to the ones who were victims can share that 
kind of experience and how they reacted in front of it.  
Just for the seek of mental exercise:  
1 - Visualice yourself being raped and everything that happens in you.  Just 
acknowledge them. Your reaction ect. Give a description of them. 
2 - What is the first thing that comes to your mind if any of the closest ones 
to you from your family were raped?. What is the next thing?.  Give a 
description of your mind reaction.  Visualice  that and acknowledge what you're 
experiencing.  This might have been a more revealing way of seeing what there 
is really in one in a situation like that. 

--- On Fri, 25/2/11, Bill! <> wrote:

From: Bill! <>
Subject: [Zen] Re: Can A Buddha Harm Others?
Date: Friday, 25 February, 2011, 9:47



My remarks were a swipe at religions in general, but specifically Christianity 
who on one hand preach forgiveness (New Testament) and on the other hand demand 
retribution (Old Testament).

I'll gladly give you my views but this thread has become so unraveled I'm not 
sure just exactly on what you want my views.


--- In, Maria Lopez <flordeloto@...> wrote:
> Bill:
>  oh yeah, and cut off their penis while you're at it'.
> Mayka: What does your comment above means?.  Did you mean as an act or 
> revenge, judgemental...or what?.  If the comment comes because of the idea 
> of castrating a rapist...I stick to it.  Though not as passionately as 
> yesterday, yes there will be need to study well the case.  All measures are 
> relative nonetheless castration is the only one I can think of for the safety 
> of women. What are your views here?
> Mayka 
> --- On Thu, 24/2/11, Bill! <BillSmart@...> wrote:
> From: Bill! <BillSmart@...>
> Subject: [Zen] Re: Can A Buddha Harm Others?
> To:
> Date: Thursday, 24 February, 2011, 5:34
> ED,
> I couldn't answer for all who have experienced satori. They would all have 
> their own answers, and some perhaps no answer. Experiencing satori 
> (realization of Buddha Mind) does not automatically give everyone the same 
> values. That's the job of a religion. Religions built up around someone's 
> satori experience (like Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and probably Islam)do 
> tend to unify and then codify values. They would certainly have something to 
> say about this - like 'forgive them - oh yeah, and cut off their penis while 
> you're at it'.
> ...Bill! 
> --- In, "ED" <seacrofter001@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Steve and Bill, what might a woman/man who had realized kensho-satori
> > have to say about punishment for rape?
> > 
> > --ED
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, Maria Lopez <flordeloto@> wrote:
> > >
> > > The best to slow down the high rate of raping in the world is to take
> > the justice in one hands and cut the sexual organs of the rapist so that
> > no more women are raped by the same rapist.. Raping is one of those
> > things that makes really furious to all women in the world.
> >


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