No, do not do this. If it works at all right now, it will break in a future 
library release when the wire protocol enforces peer socket type checking. 
ROUTER -> ROUTER is fine as is ROUTER -> DEALER. 

Alternately, do PUB -> SUB. As of libzmq 3.2, the publisher filters out the 
outgoing messages so only those SUBs that have subscribed to the message will 
receive it. This will require you to add a subscription string as the first 
message part for all outgoing messages so the socket can filter it.

Please read the guide if this doesn't make sense to you yet. There are lots of 
great examples with code.


On Nov 13, 2012, at 12:00 PM, Justin Karneges <> wrote:

> Inspired by the PUSH/ROUTER question a moment ago, I wonder if it ought to be 
> possible to match ROUTER and PULL, for one-way directed communication?
> Currently I am using ROUTER->ROUTER for this, and the receiver just ignores 
> the envelope. Being able to make the receiver PULL seems like it would be 
> more 
> natural.
> Justin
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